Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified宝片视频APP
主演:翁拉维·那提通,海伦基·查昂格翰,彬雅帕·珍帕诵,帕塔纳·埃桑固,凯·乐希迪柴,帕金·坤纳阿努威,婉维茉·珍萨瓦米缇,查亚彭·朱塔玛斯,查亚功·朱塔玛斯,吉兰塔宁·特拉塔那永,苏帕·桑沃拉翁,提帕功·宽本,玛丽亚·彭勒特拉普,Namfon Sueangsuda Lawanprasert,普琳雅帕·劳素万斯莉
主演:田鸿杰 , 季美含 , 陈康 , 郑丞丞 , 尹蕊 , 叶啸秋 , 胡浩帆 , 陈稳 , 刘帆昕 , 王逸嘉 , 冯建宇 , 许馨文 , 柏智杰 , 臧一人